Dog Bite Injuries


Our lawyers have put together a list of the most commonly asked questions about dog bite injuries. If you were involved in a Orange County dog bite injury and have a question, browse through our site to find the answer, or simply contact us and we will provide you with a comprehensive answer.

I Was Bitten by a Dog. The Owner of the Dog Is Completely Liable for My Medical Bills, Right?

Generally speaking, that is correct; however there are exceptions. The owner may not be held liable if:

  • The dog bite victim provoked the dog.
  • The dog bite victim was trespassing on the property of the dog owner.
  • The dog bite victim was committing a crime at the time of the dog bite.

In addition, licensed veterinarians are typically precluded from filing suit to recover damages from a dog bite.

What about the Liability of Others?

There are circumstances in which some individual or entity other than the dog owner may be at fault. As best explained by an Orange County dog bite injury lawyer, liability may extend to those who knew that a dog was dangerous and were negligent in maintaining custody, such as:

  • Employers
  • Landlords
  • Breeders

What Steps Should I Take if I Have Been the Victim of a Dog Bite?

Immediately seek medical attention. Document the identity of the owner and the circumstances of the incident, including where exactly the incident occurred. For instance, were you on public property or were you legally on private property? If possible, take pictures of your injuries.

What Damages Can I Recover?

The responsible party is liable for your medical bills, both past and present, lost wages, any personal property loss, and pain and suffering.

What if the Owner Is My Friend? I Don’t Want to Sue Him.

In many cases, the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance policy covers dog bites, so there may be no need to enter into litigation.

Contact an Orange County Dog Bite Injury Attorney

Do not minimize the seriousness of a dog bite. Be sure you receive the compensation you are entitled to. Call Russell & Lazarus at (800) 268-9228.