Motorcycle Accidents


Our lawyers have put together a list of the most commonly asked questions about motorcycle accident injuries. If you were injured in an Orange County motorcycle accident and have a question, browse through our site to find the answer, or simply contact us and we will provide you with a comprehensive answer.

What Should I Do First?

Following a motorcycle accident, the first priority is to seek medical treatment for yourself and others who are injured. You are legally required to exchange insurance information with the other driver or drivers, and you must not leave the scene of any accident involving injured persons until law enforcement has arrived. Take notes of your recollection of the events and pictures to document the scene and damages.

Should I Talk to Anyone?

If the police arrive on the scene, you will likely be asked to give a statement. Be honest, but do not volunteer any information that may indicate any fault on your part. Similarly, say as little as possible to the other driver. The one person you should talk to in detail about the accident is your attorney.

If I Was Not Wearing a Helmet, Can I Still Recover Damages?

Although it is mandatory in California for a motorcyclist to wear a helmet, you can receive compensation if the other driver was negligent and responsible for the accident. However, the insurance company may attempt to reduce the award by claiming your injuries would not have been as severe if you were wearing a helmet.

Why Can’t I Just Take What the Insurance Company Offers Me?

That is an option, but typically not a good one. Insurance adjusters want to settle claims quickly and for a low dollar amount. A knowledgeable Orange County motorcycle accident lawyer will investigate the full details of your case to ensure all the medical damages, property damages, lost wages and all other damages are fully considered before accepting a settlement.

Contact an Orange County Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Statistically, injured claimants are much more successful in receiving larger settlements when represented by counsel. For experienced and compassionate legal representation, call Russell & Lazarus at (800) 268-9228.